Welcome to Our Newsletter

Dear Newsletter Audience, 

welcome to our bebc real asset advisory llc. Newsletter. This NL is one of the great results of the major website overhaul we have been working on during the last couple of month. 

You’ve received this newsletter because we think it is of some value for either you or the company you are working for. All our postings are about asset performance and dividend yields, mainly in the area of real assets (asset-backed securities).

If you subscribed via our homepage, please check your inbox / spam filter for our confirmation email.

Most likely you will receive one or two such postings per week, at each quarters end maybe some more. Each newsletter gives you the freedom of unsubscribing from the list. But we ask you to at least check some of our postings before doing so.

And there’s always the possibility to check our website for previous blog postings or the shop to see what we are up to. The shop has been carefully segmented for easy navigation.

Real Estate Asset Classes are safe harbor investments [not only] for institutional investors like insurance companies and pension funds, banks, asset managers, family offices and also for people who like to create a sustainable passive dividend income stream. And everyone for whom F.I.R.E. is a word. That’s because of impressive and steady dividends on one hand and low volatility on the other. We are monitoring and charting those developments on a daily basis. We are selling those charts and we are providing consulting work based on our monitoring results. Helping investors to achieve better performing asset landscapes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case of questions, inquiries or special quant requests. This – for example – could be dividend, performance or market capitalization quants for any given part of the index (mREITs, eREITs, BDC, TECH) and any time period.

Thanks and best,

bebc real asset advisory llc, Sven Bernert


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